Mental Health & Addiction Therapist in Indianapolis, IN
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor
International Certified Gambling Counselor
Board Approved Clinical Consultant in Problem Gambling
(317) 762-0904
Begin Your
Journey to Happiness
"Dr. Eric Davis is well respected and considered to be one of the top addiction professionals in central Indiana."
-Eric Comstock, MA, LMFT, LCAC
Mental Health & Addiction Therapist
Community Health Network
Indianapolis, IN
"Dr. Davis is seen as a leader in the addiction treatment arena and is a valuable asset in whatever endeavor he pursues. I recommend him without reservation."
-Stephen J. McCaffrey, JD
President & CEO
Mental Health America of Indiana
Indianapolis, IN
About Me
Believe me when I tell you that I'm no stranger to addiction or recovery. I am a person in long-term recovery, grew up the child of an alcoholic, have taught addiction treatment courses at local universities for over a decade, and have been treating addiction professionally as a therapist for over 25 years.
Through our therapy sessions, I will help you understand the nature of addiction and how it affects your thinking and assist you in creating a treatment plan that will help you stop addiction from destroying your life. The goal is to provide you with all the information, skills, and tools you need to have a long-lasting, strong, and successful recovery.
Practice Areas
Substance Use
& Addiction
I'm especially passionate about the treatment of substance use and addiction. I am a person in long-term recovery myself, the child of an alcoholic, teach addiction classes at the university level, and have been treating addiction professionally as a therapist for over 25 years.
Problem Gambling
Problem Gambling is an addictive disorder that is gaining increased attention as gambling laws change. I will help you understand gambling disorder, how it affects our thinking, and assist you in creating a treatment plan that will stop gambling from destroying your life.
Abusiveness & Anger
While anger is a normal and healthy emotion, what we do with it can make all the difference in the world. Regardless of how angry we become, there is never any excuse for being abusive. I help clients understand the dynamics of abuse, and how to prevent it.
Christian Counseling
I was ordained into Christian ministry in 2009 and am happy to offer Christian counseling upon client request. The Christian counseling I provide combines clinical psychotherapy with Biblical guidance and principles.
The Bible and Addiction Recovery
by Dr. Eric L. Davis
What does the Bible have to do with twelve-step recovery? EVERYTHING!
The Bible and Addiction Recovery takes us on a trip through the Biblical aspects evident in the twelve steps and a multitude of other recovery principles; including the power of belief, faith, honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness, sponsorship, gratitude, surrender, making amends, letting go of resentments, and more! It also contains references to scripture as well as several practical exercises and examples that can be used in group and individual therapy sessions. A useful tool for therapists, counselors, ministers, laypersons, and individuals in recovery alike!
Available in e-book and .pdf formats!